How Many Cheat Meals A Week

I asked my wife as she does these things for me and she said you would need to eat/pulp A LOT of beets to hit 500ml.
But fear not ;) BEET IT - buy organic beetroot juice from James White Drinks - Home this is the juice i often drink.
They had a stand at bodypower but no one seemed to visit them, typical stupid iron athletes lol.

cheers Con.
So if I got this rhight you need 25cl of the above to give you 7cl of beetroot juice (recomended daily amount acording to site) If you buy 12 x 75cl botles @ £32 gives you 36 servings, which works out to 88p per day. Not bad IMO :)
Fancy doing 'Wife Swap' for a week mate?:lol: That sounds ace,mines not like that:)

Say if your getting your main source of protein from shakes,do you not feel hungry all the time? Even though i'm miles smaller than you i always need to eat.

Well i would be also eating carbs and fats.
I do this now and again to give my body a break from meat and i certainly can tell no difference while doing this.
cheers Con.
So if I got this rhight you need 25cl of the above to give you 7cl of beetroot juice (recomended daily amount acording to site) If you buy 12 x 75cl botles @ £32 gives you 36 servings, which works out to 88p per day. Not bad IMO :)

I personally drink 50cl each day so a bottle lasts nearly 1.5 days.
I do this because 500ml was the amount used in studies.

The 7cl you talk about is the super concentrated shots they sell which apparantly have more nitrates than the regular juice.
made up i started this now, some excellent points raised
Its also economical aswell with how con is doing that...puting a bit of thught into it

I mean....25g worth of protein from milk protein concentrate would cost appx 35p.
Its also economical aswell with how con is doing that...puting a bit of thught into it

I mean....25g worth of protein from milk protein concentrate would cost appx 35p.

Normally food is no concern as far as money goes.
However in Switzerland less than 1lb of chicken costs around 7 euro.
In fact i drove 30 minutes yesterday just to get to a LIDLE where 1kg of turkey was about 9 euro.
10k of chicken for me is creeping up. was 37 pounds not so long ago and the other week was 43. WHith everything increasing it simply erodes at all the bodgets and money spent on it all.

For me right now i think this is the best medium ive found with 3 meals per day and 3 shales per day. realistic, managable and value for money
1: For a pling meet i used to mainly eat pizza and ice cream i was never really bloated. This combined with dropping and adding between 5-8kg before weighin was very unhealthy and the reason i stopped pling, i used to get nose bleeds lifting after this.

2: Yes i count the carbs in fruit juice.

3: I actually believe a good quality protein powder is better than some turkey or fish. This "eat whole food only" thing is complete BS. In fact i have no problem using only protein powders as my source of protein. I also personally think its unhealthy to eat 3-4k calories each day from whole food as it gives your stomach and intestines a beating. I rather use shakes to get in a good amount of those calories which require very little digestion.

4: Hilly my wife cooks me each meal from scratch. She's very good and fast at it and will have each meal ready within 15 minutes.

Ah fair enough mate, yeh can see that would send your BP shooting thru the roof lol! Tbf pizza would of been a better call then white bread :lol: think next time ill stick to salted nuts, some pizza and just good old rice and pasta as those are foods my body can handle efficiently, I dont even eat white bread so was a dumb idea to use it!
What do people mean by "carbing up clean" and "clean refeeds"?

What carbs are clean and what dirty?
What do people mean by "carbing up clean" and "clean refeeds"?

What carbs are clean and what dirty?

Carbing up clean = eating no extra fats just lots of carbs, perhaps only using slow digesting carbs
Clean refeeds= eating a surplus of food both carbs and fats but choosing sources such as steak and potatoes over a pizza

At least that is what i assume most mean.
Here we go

haha, there should be a thread designated for this topic and anything regarding it should be removed from other threads as its getting silly!
haha, there should be a thread designated for this topic and anything regarding it should be removed from other threads as its getting silly!

There should be a thread for people to post unrelated stuff so i don't click on threads thinking there is a new post that is relevant and lose a few seconds of my time ;)
There should be a thread for people to post unrelated stuff so i don't click on threads thinking there is a new post that is relevant and lose a few seconds of my time ;)

I apologise.